
特発性肺線維症 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)患者によるIPF関連学術情報の収集とシェア。癒しの音楽もお届けしています。

IPF Weekly Update






Repositioning compounds for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis treatment: seeking the future in the past

B Crestani - European Respiratory Journal, 2024

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a fatal interstitial lung disease with only two approved treatments, pirfenidone and nintedanib, which have been shown to slow lung function decline and may improve survival by 2 years [1, 2]. There is a need for novel …

  • 特発性肺線維症治療のための化合物の再配置: 過去の中に未来を求める 

[HTML] e-Lung Computed Tomography Biomarker Stratifies Patients at Risk of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Progression in a 52-Week Clinical Trial

A Devaraj, F Ottink, C Rennison-Jones, FX Blé, O Joly… - American Journal of …, 2024

Since the successful pivotal studies of pirfenidone (1) and nintedanib (2) for idiopathicpulmonary fibrosis (IPF), several drugs have shown promise in early-phase clinical trials (3, 4) only to fail on efficacy grounds in registrational studies (5). With …

  • e-肺コンピューター断層撮影バイオマーカーにより、52週間の臨床試験で特発性肺線維症進行のリスクのある患者を層別化

A quantitative analysis of progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease on computed tomography for the assessment of decreased vital capacity

Y Kunihiro, T Matsumoto, H Onoda, T Murakami… - Acta Radiologica, 2024

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic fibrosing interstitial pneumonia of unknown cause, associated with a histopathologic and/or radiologic pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) and has a poor prognosis (1). Progressive fibrosing …

  • 肺活量の低下を評価するためのコンピューター断層撮影による進行性線維化間質性肺疾患の定量的分析

[PDF] Syringic Acid ameliorates Bleomycin induced Pulmonary Inflammation and Fibrosis in rats via maintenance of endogenous anti-oxidants and downregulation of pro …

BVS Lakshmi - 2024

… chemotherapeutic drug, has been linked to idiopathic pulmonary brosis (IPF). It has been observed … Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats were inducted into IPF after receiving 7.5 IU/kg of BLM … By inhibiting the TGF-β1/NF-κB pathways, syringic acid …

  • シリンギン酸は、内因性抗酸化物質の維持と炎症誘発性マーカーの下方制御を介して、ラットにおけるブレオマイシン誘発性肺炎症および線維症を改善します

[HTML] Noncanonical WNT5A controls the activation of latent TGF-β to drive fibroblast activation and tissue fibrosis

T Trinh-Minh, CW Chen, CT Manh, YN Li, H Zhu… - The Journal of Clinical …, 2024

Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling is a core pathway of fibrosis, but the molecular regulation of the activation of latent TGF-β remains incompletely understood. Here, we demonstrate a crucial role of WNT5A/JNK/ROCK signaling …

  • 非標準的な WNT5A は潜在型 TGF-β の活性化を制御し、線維芽細胞の活性化と組織の線維化を促進します



[HTML] Cardiovascular Structural and Functional Parameters in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis at Disease Diagnosis

P Faverio, A Maloberti, P Rebora, RCM Intravaia… - High Blood Pressure & …, 2024

… Prevalence of cardiac and vascular fibrosis in patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis(IPF) has not been extensively evaluated. … IPFidiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, ACEI Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, ARB Angiotensin Receptor …


  • 疾患診断時の特発性肺線維症における心血管の構造および機能パラメーター

[PDF] Respiratory Investigation

Y Tachibana, M Hara, M Hashisako, Y Yamano…

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the most common type of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP) and histologically shows the usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern [1]. However, the prognosis of IPF is … similar to those of AE in idiopathic

  • 呼吸器の検査

[PDF] Prognostic performance of Krebs von den Lungen-6, surfactant protein A, surfactant protein D levels in the serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in chronic fibrosing …

K Wakamatsu, N Nagata, H Kumazoe, M Hara, S Asai… - 2024

Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP) encompasses diverse conditions with uncertain etiology, with idiopathic pulmonary brosis (IPF) … Chronic brosing interstitial pneumonia (CFIP) is a broader category covering IPF and other brosing …

  • 慢性ブロース性間質性肺炎におけるクレブス・フォン・デン・ルンゲン-6、血清および気管支肺胞洗浄液中のサーファクタントプロテインA、サーファクタントプロテインDレベルの予後性能:後ろ向き研究

[PDF] ``It Is a Moving Process": Understanding the Evolution of Explainability Needs of Clinicians in Pulmonary Medicine

L Corti, R Oltmans, J Jung, A Balayn, M Wijsenbeek… - Proceedings of the CHI …, 2024

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) clinicians from a European university medical centre and investigate their evolving uses and purposes for explainability throughout patient care. By applying a patient journey map for IPF, … , in how care for Idiopathic

  • それは感動的なプロセスです」: 呼吸器内科における臨床医の説明可能性ニーズの進化を理解する

[HTML] Arrestin beta 1 Regulates Alveolar Progenitor Renewal and Lung Fibrosis

G Huang, Y Geng, V Kulur, N Liu, X Liu, F Taghavifar… - Journal of Respiratory …, 2024

progressive pulmonary fibrosis remain poorly understood. Type 2 alveolar epithelial cells (AEC2s) function as adult stem cells in the lung. We previously showed that there is a loss of AEC2s and a failure of AEC2 renewal in the lungs of …

  • アレスチン ベータ 1 は肺胞前駆細胞の再生と肺線維症を制御します

Novel Therapeutic Approaches in Connective Tissue Disease-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease

E Mulcaire-Jones, JV Pugashetti, JM Oldham… - Seminars in Respiratory and …, 2024

idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).[7] Multiple types of ILD were recruited, including RA, SSc, MCTD, sarcoid, idiopathic NSIP, unclassifiable NSIP, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and IPF. … Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (an update) …

  • 結合組織病関連間質性肺疾患における新たな治療アプローチ



[PDF] Effect of BI 1015550, a preferential PDE4B inhibitor, on FEV1/FVC ratio in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

V Cottin, A Azuma, M Maher, C Valenzuela…

… • In a Phase II trial, treatment with BI 1015550, prevented a decline in FVC over 12 weeks in patients with IPF, irrespective of background antifibrotics.The effect was seen from 2 weeks after treatment initiation2 … • This post hoc analysis of a Phase II …

  • 特発性肺線維症におけるFEV1/FVC比に対する優先的PDE4B阻害剤であるBI 1015550の効果



[HTML] Exploring the efficacy and molecular mechanism of Danhong injection comprehensively in the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis by combining meta-analysis …

X Wu, W Li, Z Luo, Y Chen - Medicine, 2024

idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) at present as an adjuvant treatment. However, the clinical efficacy and molecular mechanism of IPFare still unclear… This study will evaluate and explore the clinical efficacy and molecular mechanism of Danhong …

  • メタアナリシス、ネットワーク薬理学、分子ドッキング法を組み合わせて、特発性肺線維症の治療におけるダンホン注射の有効性と分子機構を包括的に探索する

C Niu, X Meng, T Wang - Molecular Biotechnology, 2024

… -related hub genes associated with idiopathicpulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The GSE52463 and … through Spearman and the subtypes of IPFwere constructed using ConsensusClusterPlus. A … Eventually, two distinct subtypes of IPFwere …

  • システム生物学的アプローチによる特発性肺線維症におけるフェロトーシス炎症関連ハブ遺伝子と疾患サブタイプの同定

[HTML] Active substances and molecular mechanisms of Astragali Radix and Angelicae Sinensis Radix against idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis effects by network pharmacology …

H Chu, S Liu, S Zhang, S Wang, H Chang, L Li - Chinese Journal of Analytical …, 2024

… We searched the GeneCards and OMIM database with "Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis", and a target correlation score of 353.106 at the … screened as IPF-related targets for targets with scores ≥10. We also searched the OMIM database with "Idiopathic

  • ネットワーク薬理学とin vitro実験による特発性肺線維症の影響に対するレンゲと当帰の活性物質と分子機構

Pulmonary Pathology E-Book: Pulmonary Pathology E-Book

JR Goldblum - 2024

… Others may skip bronchoscopy and proceed to a VATS biopsy for a definitive diagnosis of idiopathic interstitial pneumonias if clinically … diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases, particularly for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis where the combination …

  • 肺病理学電子ブック: 肺病理学電子ブック



Genetic liability of gut microbiota for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and lung function: a two-sample Mendelian randomization study

Y Ren, Y Zhang, Y Cheng, H Qin, H Zhao - Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology

… The current study suggested the casual effects of the specific gut microbes on the risk of IPF and lung … IPF. This study provides novel insights into the potential role of gut microbiota in IPF and indicates a possible gut microbiota-mediated …

  • 特発性肺線維症および肺機能に対する腸内細菌叢の遺伝的影響: 2サンプルのメンデルランダム化研究

Supramolecular Nanofibers Ameliorate Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis by Restoring Autophagy

D Zheng, J Guo, Z Liang, Y Jin, Y Ding, J Liu, C Qi… - Advanced science (Weinheim …

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive and ultimately fatal interstitial lung disease, with limited therapeutic options available. … the progression of IPF. Restoration of autophagy by modulating the TRB3/p62 PPIs has rarely been …

  • 超分子ナノファイバーはオートファジーを回復することでブレオマイシン誘発性肺線維症を改善する

[PDF] Mesenchymal stromal cell-based therapy in lung diseases; from research to clinic

D Yuan, Y Bao, A El-Hashash - Am J Stem Cells, 2024

… is the basis for their application in treating several major respiratory disorders and diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [10-14] …

  • 肺疾患における間葉系間質細胞に基づく治療。 研究から臨床へ

Comparison of the Safety Profiles for Pirfenidone and Nintedanib: A Disproportionality Analysis of the US Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting …

S Xiangyu, W Huaguang, Y Yuanyuan, C Kun, Z An… - Frontiers in Pharmacology

… Background: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis(IPF) is a chronic, progressive interstitial lung disease of unknown etiology. Pirfenidone (PFD) and nintedanib (NDN) were both conditionally recommended in the clinical practice guideline published in …

  • ピルフェニドンとニンテダニブの安全性プロファイルの比較: 米国食品医薬品局の有害事象報告システムの不均衡分析

[HTML] Correlation Study between Hyperuricemia and Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease: Based on LASSO Regression and Propensity Score Matching

H QI, J WANG, Y LUO, Y WU - Chinese General Practice, 2024

… The CPHD group had lower proportions of females, Han ethnicity, smokers, drinkers, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, lymphocyte percentage, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter, left ventricular end-systolic …

  • 高尿酸血症と慢性肺心疾患の間の相関研究: LASSO 回帰と傾向スコア マッチングに基づく



[HTML] Squamous metaplasia is an indicator of acute exacerbation in patients with usual interstitial pneumonia/idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Y Tachibana, M Hara, M Hashisako, Y Yamano… - Respiratory Investigation, 2024

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the most common type of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP) and histologically shows the usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern [1]. However, the prognosis of IPF … outcomes similar to those of AE in …

  • 扁平上皮化生は、通常の間質性肺炎/特発性肺線維症患者における急性増悪の指標である

Plausible role of INPP4A dysregulation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

M Arvind, B Pattnaik, A Gheware, YS Prakash… - Physiological reports, 2024

idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Through integration of relevant INPP4A gene expression data from public repositories with our results from in vitro experiments and mouse models, we show that INPP4A is altered in IPF. … regulation of INPP4A …

  • 特発性肺線維症における INPP4A 調節不全の考えられる役割

[PDF] The concept of Sfrp1+ transitional fibroblasts: the key to dissociating lineage heterogeneity and fate of invasive fibroblasts in pulmonary fibrosis?

X Liu, X Zhang, J Liang, PW Noble, D Jiang - European Respiratory Journal, 2024

… One of the significant advances in the biology of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) has been the recognition of fibroblast heterogeneity in the … fibroblast subtypes from IPF lungs contribute to the invasive phenotype of fibroblasts and the matrix

  • Sfrp1+ 移行線維芽細胞の概念: 肺線維症における浸潤性線維芽細胞の系統不均一性と運命を解明する鍵?

Just the facts: approach to the patient with Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) in the emergency department

M Lipinski, V Luks, H Rosenberg - Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2024

… In patients with Idiopathic PulmonaryFibrosis, there are two anti-fibrotic agents approved in Canada; nintedanib (currently approved for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosisand for progressive fibrotic non-IdiopathicPulmonary Fibrosis Interstitial …

  • 事実だけ: 救急部門における間質性肺疾患 (ILD) 患者へのアプローチ

[PDF] Caratteristiche cliniche, molecolari e radiologiche nella patogenesi e progressione delle interstiziopatie polmonari

N Bernardinello - 2024

… Nintedanib, an intracellular tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) with antifibrotic properties, was one of the first drugs approved for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and more recently has also been approved for use in PF-ILD …

  • 臨床検査、放射線医学的病変の進行、間質性疾患の進行

[HTML] Nebulized inhalation of nintedanib-loaded biomimetic nano-liposomes attenuated bleomycin-induced interstitial lung fibrosis in mice

L Rao, P Zhu, M Guo, M Hu, X Guo, Y Du, G Xu - Nano Today, 2024

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is an irreversible interstitial lung disease with a poor prognosis. … Furthermore, Nin-lipo significantly inhibited bleomycin (BLM)-induced pulmonaryfibrosis and improved lung … Nin-lipo could potentially be developed as …

  • ニンテダニブを充填した生体模倣ナノリポソームの噴霧吸入により、マウスにおけるブレオマイシン誘発の間質性肺線維症が軽減された

[HTML] MDA5-autoimmunity and interstitial pneumonitis contemporaneous with the COVID-19 pandemic (MIP-C)

P David, S Sinha, K Iqbal, G De Marco, S Taheri… - eBioMedicine, 2024

… Gene expression patterns in COVID-19 were compared with autoimmune lung disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) to gain … confirmed the shared immunophenotypes between the two as drivers of ILD, but both very distinct than …



Icariside II Modulates Pulmonary Fibrosis via PI3K/Akt/β-catenin Pathway Inhibition of M2 Macrophage Program

L Deng, B Ouyang, W Tang, N Wang, F Yang, H Shi… - Phytomedicine, 2024

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a debilitating interstitial lung disorder characterized by its limited therapeutic interventions. … involvement in the development of pulmonaryfibrosis. Hence, targeting macrophages emerges as a …

  • イカリシド II は、PI3K/Akt/β-カテニン経路による M2 マクロファージ プログラムの阻害を介して肺線維症を調節します

Guardians Turned Culprits: NETosis and Its Influence on Pulmonary Fibrosis Development

A Varughese, A Balnadupete, P Ramesh, TSK Prasad… - Molecular Biotechnology, 2024

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a debilitating, life-threatening irreversible lung disease characterized by the excessive accumulation of fibrotic tissue in the lungs, impairing their function. The exact mechanisms underlying Pulmonary fibrosis

  • 保護者が犯人に: NETosis と肺線維症の発症に対するその影響

MicroRNA-26a in respiratory diseases: mechanisms and therapeutic potential

X Liu, Q Chen, S Jiang, H Shan, T Yu - Molecular Biology Reports, 2024

… Among these, miR-26a emerges as a pivotal player in respiratory ailments such as pneumonia, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Studies have underscored the significance of miR-26a …

  • 呼吸器疾患におけるマイクロRNA-26a:メカニズムと治療の可能性

Bilateral orthotopic lung transplant via a clamshell thoracosternotomy from a donor with extended cold static lung preservation

Y Stukov, M Rackauskas - Multimedia manual of cardiothoracic surgery: MMCTS, 2024

… In this video tutorial, we present a comprehensive step-by-step operative technique for a bilateral orthotopic lung transplant using a bilateral transverse thoracosternotomy in a patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis lung disease. The …

  • 長期間の低温静置肺保存を伴うドナーからのクラムシェル胸胸胸骨切開による両側同所性肺移植





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