
特発性肺線維症 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)患者によるIPF関連学術情報の収集とシェア。癒しの音楽もお届けしています。

ChatGPTに聞きました : 抗TGF-ベータ抗体によるIPF治療の可能性


ChatGPT (GPT-4)は現在(2023年12月)のところ、2022年1月の知識カットオフ時点で最適解を求めるので、その後の知識は反映されません。また大量テキストデータから学習する自然言語処理NLP)モデルの良いところでもあり限界でもあることですが、通説、正論、適切な回答を答えるので、検証がまだ完了していない最新の仮説に対しては無視するようです。



(1) 質問の英訳:

What is the possibility of treating IPF with anti-TGF-beta antibodies?


(2) その英訳に対する英語の回答:



TGF-beta (Transforming Growth Factor-beta) is a critical cytokine involved in the progression and development of fibrosis in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). Due to its significant role, therapeutic strategies targeting TGF-beta, such as the use of anti-TGF-beta antibodies, are being explored for treating IPF.


  1. Therapeutic Rationale:

Given TGF-beta’s pivotal role in promoting fibrosis in IPF, targeting this cytokine using antibodies can theoretically inhibit fibroblast proliferation and differentiation, thereby attenuating the progression of fibrosis.


  1. Preclinical Studies:

In preclinical studies, anti-TGF-beta antibodies have shown promise in reducing fibrosis in animal models of pulmonary fibrosis, demonstrating their potential therapeutic efficacy.


  1. Clinical Trials:

There have been clinical trials exploring the efficacy of anti-TGF-beta antibodies in IPF patients. However, the results are mixed, and more extensive, well-designed studies are needed to conclusively determine their therapeutic potential.


  1. Challenges:

One of the significant challenges in developing anti-TGF-beta antibodies as a therapeutic agent for IPF is ensuring specificity and avoiding unintended interference with other biological processes, given TGF-beta's multifunctional nature.


  1. Conclusion:

While anti-TGF-beta antibodies have shown promise in preclinical studies and offer a rational approach to targeting fibrosis in IPF, challenges in development, mixed clinical trial results, and the need for further research signify that their therapeutic application in IPF is still under investigation and is yet to be established.



Fernandez IE, Eickelberg O. The impact of TGF-β on lung fibrosis: from targeting to biomarkers. Proc Am Thorac Soc. 2012;9(3):111-116.

Akhurst RJ, Hata A. Targeting the TGFβ signalling pathway in disease. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2012;11(10):790-811.

(3) その英語解答の日本語訳:





  1. 治療の根拠:



  1. 前臨床研究:



  1. 臨床試験



  1. 課題:



  1. 結論:






ChatGPTを使って特発性肺線維症( idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) )関連の学術的情報収集してシェアしています。


